

The Astra... a nice looking, nice flying rocket.  It's Quest's competitor to the Estes Alpha.  And like the Alpha, everyone should have an Astra in their fleet!



This was my first rocket from LOC (probably 15-20 years ago), and my first rocket venturing into upper mid-power. I was saddened to learn that LOC dropped it from production. Below is a pic from one of last year's launches on a pair of E26's. It's still flying!


 Star Crusher

A Starfire original design, the Star Crusher was inspired by reading of Dark Jedi Kyp Durron's exploits in one of the most powerful super weapons ever devised - the Sun Crusher. This is what I imagined the weapon ship might look like well before any artwork for the Sun Crusher was released.


 Explorer Aquarius

I based this render off of the 2016 model; however, I did place the launch lugs according to the 7253 version, as it makes much more sense where they are located on the 7253.  The newer launch lug placements do not interfere with the decal placement - as the 2016 model did.

You can run sims with the nozzle on as Mass and CG are override for the entire rocket, and CD for just the nozzle assembly has been overriden to zero.  Or you can simply delete the nozzle assembly for flight sims, either way should work fine.